The Q Game!

1. Where do I get Coupons from?

·         Newspaper: The Sunday newspaper have wide variety of coupons inserts, especially the first Sunday of the month.  When starting out couponing, I would recommend only getting 2 newspapers a week. Couponing can be overwhelmed and getting too much inserts can stress you out. I tried that, and I got frustrated to the point of just wanting to forget it. I quitted couponing for a whole year because the time and agrivation was not worth it, but I created a system that works for me. The key of couponing is finding a system that works and sticking with it. **I know that Kum & Go offer Sunday paper for $0.99 with a $20 gas purchase. It used to be free but they recently change their policy. L ** You can contact your local newspaper to see if they have any deal available or just get the paper from someone that you know.

·         All You magazineIt is a great magazine. It usually features about $40-60 worth of coupon. This is a must have for couponing too!!

·         Printable: Most of the sites will allow you to print the coupon twice. But if you have more than one computer at home, you can print it twice from each computer. DO NOT try to photo copy your coupons the stores can tell, and it will make using printable coupons harder for us all. Check your local stores to see if they except printed coupons. Most my local stores do: Hy-vee, Kmart, Target, Walmart,  & Wal-greens. There are many site that offer printable coupons:
Coupon Network
Red Plum
Smart Source
Target Coupons

·         Blinkies- These are the little red boxes spits out coupons. The nice thing about blinkies are the coupon is usually located close by the item on the selves.  Blinkies are like gold, so if you ran into a blinkie, it is ok to take a few coupons for your stash, but never take all of the coupons from the blinkie. Please be considered of fellow couponers.

·         PeeliesCoupons that are on the product. These coupons have a very short shelf or long shelf life. So, check the date. I know that Target coupons have a short shelf life. At least for me they are always close to expiring.

·         Buying coupons-  It is against the law to sell a coupon but someone can charge you for their time and effort for find and clipping the coupon. You can buy them off Ebay. 
·         The Manufacturer-   Personally, the best coupons come from contact the company. You can call, email, or write them how much you love the product. Usually, you will receive a coupon in 4-8 weeks, but not all companies do that. I will be posting a list of companies that I receive a coupons from.

·         Catalinas: These print from the machine next to the register. People frequently leave them in their shopping carts-- grab them! Also, ask the cashier if she has any extras! 

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